Soon you will click on an invite from your email and arrive suddenly and magically in an immersive, virtual experience.

30 Dec 2023, 17:05
Soon you will click on an invite from your email and arrive suddenly and magically in an immersive, virtual experience. ⭐️ No downloads. No apps. ⚡️ No load times. This exact workflow is already live in production and just waiting for our Q1 launch 🔥 Ask the alpha fam 💚

Same news in other sources

PassagePASG #5113
30 Dec 2023, 17:10
Unless you've been in @passageio , you're probably not ready for what's coming... If you'd like to try it out, hit me up 💚
Unless you've been in @passageio , you're probably not ready for what's coming. If you'd like to try it out, hit me up.
Unless you've been in @passageio , you're probably not ready for what's coming... If you'd like to try it out, hit me up 💚